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Mount Elgon National Park is a biosphere reserve situated between Kenya and Uganda. The park encompasses 494 square miles. A significant portion (700 square miles) of the park is located within Uganda. In 1992, the Ugandan section was transformed from a forest reserve to a national park. Mount Elgon, which is a conspicuous physical feature in the park, gives the park its name. Mount Elgon is a volcano that erupted over 24 million years ago and is now extinct.

It is the tallest volcano in East Africa and the eighth tallest mountain in Africa. Mount Elgon contains the world’s largest caldera, which is approximately 60 kilometers long and 40 kilometers wide. This particular Caldera is the consequence of magma being drained from the base of the cone, causing its collapse. Scientists believe that Mount Elgon was once Africa’s tallest mountain before millions of years of erosion significantly reduced its height.

Mount Elgon’s fertile slopes support the group of vegetation that differs with altitude. They consist of montane forests in the lower regions, bamboo forests in the upper regions, and alpine moorlands near the summit.

Over 400 flora species and 143 bird species have been recorded. Mount Elgon National Park is home to half of Uganda’s butterfly species, and the critically endangered Maathai’s Lonleg dragonfly was discovered there in 2000.

ย The lower foothills of the mountains are home to numerous mammalian species, including black-and-white colobus, blue monkeys, buffalo, elephants, red-tailed monkeys, spotted hyena, Oribi, Defassa waterbuck, Bushbucks, and smaller antelopes.ย On the Ugandan side of the park, the primary tribes are the Sabiny and the Bagisu.ย These communities depend on subsistence agriculture.

The Bagisu have specialized in the cultivation of Arabica coffee, which thrives in the fertile soils of the mountain foothills. The Uganda Wildlife Authority protects and manages the mountain’s upper elevations in close collaboration with Kenyan counterparts.

The Mountain Elgon national park administration is located in Mbale along Masaba Road. This is the location where visitors can obtain information and permits for park-related activities. Mountain Elgon National park activities are also permitted by the Uganda Wildlife Authority office in Kampala. The office is open Monday through Friday.

Activities to do in the park

Mount Elgon national park has been a thrilling destination for mountain climbers since many years. Mount Elgon national park is famous for mountain climbing, which is also the most popular activity in the region. Mount Elgon’s ascent to its highest peaks is a rewarding adventure in Uganda; the ascent is not as taxing as that of Mount Rwenzori, and there is no need for extensive equipment or technical expertise to appreciate the ascent.


Mount Elgon national park’s most popular activity is trekking; the park is interconnected with a variety of trails to accommodate every traveler’s hiking preferences based on the trail they choose. Sasa trail is the shortest route to one of Mount Elgon’s summits. It passes through the local community and affords you the opportunity to view numerous farmlands owned by the local people, also known as the bamasaba.

The trail affords you the chance to learn a great deal about the local masaba and sabiny cultures. The sasa trail journey lasts a maximum of four days and begins at a height of 1,250 meters above sea level in budadiri town.

Over 56 kilometers, the sipi trail also requires approximately four days for a round-trip. It begins at approximately 2050m and the Kapkwai forest center.

Mount Elgon National Park
Mount Elgon National Park

It follows the northwest face of Mount Elgon and passes by the tutum cave. Then, passing through a caldera, one reaches the highest peak, waggagai. This trail is the longest of the park’s trails for trekking.

However, the other piswa trail is the gentlest route to Mount Elgon’s summit. For a round-trip, it takes approximately seven days of hiking over a distance of 49 kilometers. The piswa trail begins in the small kapkwata village on the northern flank of Mount Elgon.

The trail passes through a podocarpus-dominated wood forest. Along the trail, you can observe a diversity of animals and enjoy breathtaking views of the Karamojong hunting plains. This trail will also provide an opportunity to view the thermal springs in the Wagagai caldera.

Bird watching

The finest birding in the park is around the kapkwai forest center and cheptui falls, amongst other locations. The park is renowned for its exceptional variety of endemic avian species.

It is home to numerous species of birds, including the African goshawk, the White-chinned Prinia, the chin spot batis, the MacKinnon’s fiscal, the cinnamon bee-eater, the tacazze sunbird, the olive, and the black collared apalis. Also, birding in Mount Elgon national park will allow you to see the rare lammergeyer, which is unique to the park, as well as other special species.

Cultural interactions

Mount Elgon park’s cultural encounters will allow you to learn more about the ambitious mountain women who are dedicated to the production of exquisite coffee. The sipi women’s association has pledged to cultivate coffee from the large shambas that grow on the slopes of Mount Elgon.

The women’s group cultivates Arabic coffee, which thrives in the mountain’s alluvial soils. Additionally, to being distributed on Ugandan markets, the coffee is exported to Kenya and other countries. Spending time with the sipi women group will provide insight into the cultivation, harvesting, and roasting of coffee beans. You will also learn about the culture of the sabiny, including how they prepare African cuisine and much more.

Other activities include mountain bicycling from the sipi trading center to the chema kill in kapchorwa town, which takes approximately 1 hour and a half. You can see stunning views of the waterfalls, and the vast karamajong plains. Bicycles can be rented from the UWA offices or the Sipi River Lodge. Community walks in the park will lead you through the town of Budadiri, where you can learn a great deal about the indigenous cultures.

Accommodations in the Mount Elgon national park

Where to stay in Mount Elgon national park should not be a concern, as the park is equipped with lodging facilities that are priced to match the safari budget you have set. There are numerous lodges and campgrounds in the park. The Uganda Wildlife Authority manages the Suam guest house, which offers standard accommodations to all visitors to Mount Elgon national park. Other accommodations include the kapkwata guesthouse, the forest explorations center bandas, a student hostel, and a campsite. Masha hotel, sipi river lodge, and sasa river camp are also available.

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