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Things to do in a 3 Days Murchison Falls National Park Safari.

Visitors preparing on a safari to Murchison Falls National park are encouraged to get engaged in activities like walking to the top of the Murchison Falls, game drives, bird-watching, chimpanzee trekking, nature walks, fishing, boat cruises and camping among others. It can take longer than three days to do all the activities at the largest national park; a minimum of five days would be needed for a safari at Murchison Falls National Park. But here are a few of the top things to do in the 3 days you have to spend at the Murchison Falls National Park.

Visiting the Top of the Murchison Falls.
The first safariย activity most visitors do is to visit the top of the falls. As the Nile River winds its way into Egypt, it falls through a small valley, creating the Murchison Falls. After the Victoria Falls, it is possibly one of the world’s most powerful waterfalls. While travelling with a group or someone who is familiar with the area is advised, a guide is not necessary to reach the top of the falls. Amazing is the first view of the falls from the summit. One of the most amazing sights to behold while visiting the park is the deafening sound of the water crashing through the gorge and plummeting 42 metres below. It’s amazing to observe as the mist created by the water’s force interacts with the sun’s rise to create breathtaking rainbows. The mist from the waterfall provides a refreshing and calming effect on hot days or during the dry season, especially after a demanding day of activities. It’s an excellent place to take pictures, so don’t visit without a camera. There is a route that descends to the river or to the smaller Uhuru Falls before the Murchison Falls after seeing the cascade from above. “The crocodile bar” is one place you shouldn’t miss. This is an area towards the bottom of the falls where crocodiles gather to wait for unlucky animals and fish that are accidentally dragged down by the powerful water. Crocodiles of all sizes lay patiently waiting for the next victims.

Boat Cruise at the bottom of the falls.
One of the most well-liked things to do in the park is this. The trip begins and ends at the base of the falls and lasts approximately three hours. The view of the waterfall and the thunderous roars of the water tumbling down to the river is magnificent from the top of the falls. There is a plethora of wildlife in the Nile region beyond the falls, including some of Africa’s largest populations of crocodiles and hippos. Elephants, buffaloes, and several antelope species can all be seen drinking at the river’s edge. Bee-eaters, cormorants, ducks, fish eagles, herons, kingfishers, and shoebills are among the waterfowl. Once tourists have taken enough pictures and have seen enough birds and animals, the captain will steer the boat upstream to the bottom of the falls so they may get off and walk up to level ground.

Game Drives/game viewing.
This is undoubtedly the most relaxing safariย activity in the park. Although you can go on game drives by yourself, having a park ranger with you makes the experience more educational as they can help identify different species of birds and mammals or show you where to look for them. Expect to see creatures like buffaloes, crocodiles, elephants, giraffes, hippopotamus, leopards, lions, monitor lizards, side-striped jackals, spotted hyenas, and warthogs during your three-hour game drive to Murchison Falls. Bohor Reedbucks, Bushbucks, Defassa Waterbucks, Hartebeest, Oribis, and Uganda Kobs are a few of the antelope species found in the park. Baboons, Black and White Colobus, Patas Monkeys, Vervet Monkeys, and Chimpanzees in the Rabongo and Budongo Forests are among the primate species found in the park. Reptiles such the African rock python, mambas, cobras, and various smaller snakes can also be seen in the park.

In addition to the daytime game drives, guests have the option of taking a 2-hour nighttime game drive. Predators like lions, serval cats, hyenas, and leopards are more likely to be spotted during a nighttime game drive. To ensure that no action is missed, the rangers move in tandem with flashlights. The night game drives start late in the evening or when it gets dark.

Rhino tracking at Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary.
Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary is situated on the route from Kampala to the Murchison Falls National Park. Rhinos are no longer able to traverse Uganda’s national parks due to widespread poaching. The Ziwa rhino sanctuary was created to safeguard the surviving rhinos and breed more of them carefully so that, if their population reaches 20, they can be returned to the larger parks. The primary activity here is foot rhino tracking, which is typically overseen by sanctuary rangers. The Rangers provide information on rhinos, the sanctuary’s past, its breeding programme, and broader conservation initiatives. They then take guests on a close-up look at the enormous creatures while they eat. The large sanctuary is home to a variety of bird species as well as small primates besides rhinos. Additionally, nature trails are available for visitors to witness birds like the Shoebill Stork. All proceeds from the visitors are channeled to Rhino conservation efforts. It is recommended to visit the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary either prior to or following a visit to the Murchison Falls National Park.

In Uganda, Murchison Falls Park is among the top locations for birdwatching. You can complete the activity while on boat rides and game drives. The Murchison Falls is a sizable park that offers a wealth of locations and chances for birdwatching. The park is home to a variety of bird species, such as the Denham’s Bustard, Blue-naped Moosebird, Bluff-bellied Warbler, Chestnut-crowned Sparrow Weaver, Dark Chanting-Goshawk, and Eater of Grey Plantains, Eastern Grey-toothed Barbet, Goliath Heron, Giant Kingfisher, Fawn-breasted Waxbill, Hugli’s Francolin, Grey-headed Bush Shrike, Green-winged Ptyilia, Grey-crowned Cranes, Malachite Kingfisher, Long-tailed Nightjar, Long-toed Plover, Martial Eagle, Carmine from the North Bee-eater, Pel’s Fishing Owl, Osprey, Northern Crombec, Pied Kingfisher, Piapiac, Pennant-winged Nightjar, Red-throated Bee-Eater, Red-throated Bee-eater, Red-winged Grey Warbler, Rock Pratincole, Sacred Ibis, Saddle-billed Stork, Sandpipers, Secretary Bird, Senegal Thick-knee, Shoebill Stork, Silver Bird, Bluff-bellied Warbler, Speckle-fronted Weaver, Spotted Mourning Thrush, Spotted owl, Spotted Thick-knee, Spur-winger Geese, Squacco Heron, Standard-winged Nightjar, Sulphur-breasted Bush Shrike, Swallow-tailed Bee-eater, Swamp Flycatcher, Vaseline Masked Weaver, Veracious Dove, Verreaux’s Owl, Vitelline Masked Weaver, Weaver Birds, and more.

Chimpanzee trekking in Budongo forest.
Budongo Forest is located south of the park and is part of the Budongo and Kaniyo Pabidi forest reserve. More than 464 plant and mammal species, including more than 820 chimpanzees, can be found in the forest. Chimpanzee trekking safariย is the most well-liked activity in Budongo Forest because of the presence of a Jane Goodall research station there. Chimpanzee trekking safariย starts at 8am and ends at around 3pm. Although it may depend on the time of year, there is a good chance of sighting the chimps. May and August are the greatest times to watch the chimpanzees. Even though there are more than 360 kinds of birds in this stunning forest, along with smaller primates like the black-and-white colobus, blue monkey, forest galago, pattos, and red-tailed monkeys, trackers should never grow weary of their activities. Typically, a knowledgeable and skilled guide conducts guests to assist them in identifying various bird, animal, and plant species. When there are less trackers in Budongo Forest, it is also possible to arrange for chimpanzee habituation experiences there. If you are interested in combining a safari and trekking the chimpanzees, you might need 4 Days Murchison falls national park safari.


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