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Tanzania Wildlife Tours

Our Tanzania holidays burst with things to do and see! This is a country that boasts Kilimanjaro, the Serengeti, the Ngorongoro craters, and Zanzibar, to say nothing of the Mikumi National Park, Usambara Mountains, and Mount Meru.

Itโ€™s a country renowned for its wildlife and beauty. And for many people, Tanzania is the ultimate African safari destination. The Serengeti is home to the Great Migration and to be there in the early months of the year is an experience youโ€™ll never forget. Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and the highest freestanding mountain in the world.

Best Of Tanzania Safaris

7 Days Great migration Safari

3 Days Tanzania Wildlife Safari

7 Days Tanzania Northern Circuit




Tanzania is an intriguing travel destination for those who wish to see the elusive tree-climbing lions in Lake Manyara National Park, interact with sizable chimpanzee populations in Mahale National Park, observe vast herds of elephants in Tarangire National Park, relish beachside relaxation, observe a variety of bird species, including migratory, endemic, and near-endemic forest birds, and witness the epic wildebeest migration in Serengeti National Park, among other attractions.

Serengeti National Park.

Because of its rich wildlife and spectacular wildebeest migration, Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park receives the highest number of visitors. The northern region is home to the 14,763 square km Serengeti National Park, which was founded in 1952.ย  Due to its large wildebeest migration and high animal populations, the national park was inducted as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1981.

Activities in Serengeti National Park.

  • Game drives which might be done early in the morning to hook up with predators before going back to their hiding places or in the afternoon. A professional driver guide will accompany you on the game drives in pop-up safari vehicles as they help you spot wildlife, including road antelopes, topi, elands, waterbucks, dik dik, gazelles, monkeys like vervet monkeys, baboons, and patas monkeys, as well as various bird species, plant, and tree species. Take advantage of this opportunity to have the best possible Tanzania safaris, tours, and vacations.
  • Hot air balloon, this is a thrilling safariย excursion which enables you to have an up-close view of the park, tree tops, view animals like elephants, buffaloes among others around Seronera River, view Grumeti River and experience the crossing of more than million wildebeests, zebras, gazelles and other animals, view birds flying in the air, have beautiful views of the sunrise, landscapes among others the perfect Tanzania wildlife experience/ Tanzania holiday experience.
  • Natural walks with guides are a fantastic way to get a firsthand look at the park on foot. The best times to go on nature hikes are early in the morning or late at night when a park guide with an armament is with you to keep you safe. Aside from getting up close and personal with creatures in their natural habitat, you can also take in the beautiful sounds of birdsong, watch the sun rise or set, and feel the refreshing wind throughout the nature walk.
  • Bird watching, Serengeti national park holds more than 500 bird species including migratory, endemic species to only Serengeti Mara ecosystem and near endemic species that can also be found in neighboring countries. Hildebrandt’s starling, verreauxs eagle, red-capped robin chat, usambiro barbet, and rufous-tailed weaver are a few of the bird species that can be seen while bird watching safari.

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Tarangire national park.

One of Tanzania’s most popular national parks, Tarangire is located south of Lake Manyara in the country’s north. The national park was established in 1970 and itโ€™s infamously recognized for containing large herds of elephants, other animals like gazelle, buffaloes, greater kudus, wildebeests, wild dogs, warthogs, hartebeest, zebras, elands, lions, dik dik, vegetation types like savannah, mixed woodland, acacia and bamboo trees, different bird species among others. The Tarangire River, a perennial water source that flows through the park and offers sanctuary to a variety of wildlife species, particularly during the dry season, is the source of the park’s name.

Activities in Tarangire national park.

One of the most popular things to do in the park is go on a game drive, which allows you to explore and get fantastic views of the animals. You will get fantastic views of enormous herds of elephants, giraffes, buffaloes, waterbucks, elands, zebras, and impalas among other animals during the game drives at Tarangire National Park.

  • Bird watching, Tarangire national park is the habitat of over 550 bird species including water birds, migratory and endemic species. In the park, one can go bird watching in the vicinity of the Tarangire River, acacia plains, baobab trees, and woodland. While bird watching, one can see various bird species, including the African grey flycatcher, vulturine guinea fowl, ashy starling, northern pied babbler, Donaldson Smiths nightjar, and slate coloured boubou.
  • Guided nature walks, this is a fascinating endeavour where you will be able to explore the national park on foot. During the nature walk, you will follow various trails accompanied by an armed park ranger who will assist you in spotting animals such as elephants, giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, and waterbucks. You will also be able to enjoy the peaceful surroundings, take in stunning views of the sunrise and sunset, and hear the lovely sounds of birds singing in the trees.














Ngorongoro conservation area

Ngorongoro conservation area

Serengeti ecosystem, which is found in Tanzania’s northern region, includes the national park. The semi-nomadic Maasai people reside in the Ngorongoro conservation area, which was created in 1959 as a multi-use region where animals and people coexist. The Maasai people travel from place to place in search of pasture and water for their cattle. The remarkable, unspoiled biodiversity of the conservation area led to its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1959. It was also granted the designation of cultural conservation area in 2010.

Activities in Ngorongoro conservation area.

During a game drive, you will explore the park in a 4WD safari vehicle with a professional driver-guide who will assist you in spotting various animals, such as the big five mammals the lions, leopards, elephants, buffaloes, and rhinos as well as other creatures like wildebeests, zebras, and warthogs. You will also get to see various types of vegetation.

  • Guided nature walks are a fantastic experience that involve getting out of the safari vehicle and exploring the park on foot. An armed park ranger will accompany you on the nature walk to keep you safe from harm. Among other attractions, you will be able to see animals in their natural habitats, see vibrant birds soaring through the skies, see the sunset or sunrise, take in the peaceful surroundings, breathe clean air, hear birds singing, see a variety of trees and plants, and take excellent photos.
  • Among the best places in the nation for birdwatching, the Ngorongoro conservation area is home to around 500 different bird species, including unique species from the water and forest, as well as migratory birds from Europe and Asia. The grey crowned crane, rosy breasted long claw, fischers sparrow lark, saddle billed stork, kori bustard, ostrich, European bee-eater, and secretary bird are just a few of the bird species you can see when bird watching.
  • A fun and exciting way to meet locals and learn about their lives in the neighboring areas is through cultural tours. You will be able to learn more about the people’s way of life, dress code, culture, and cuisine during the cultural tour, in addition to tasting some of their traditional dishes.

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Ruaha national park.

Situated in the heart of Tanzania, Ruaha National Park is the second largest national park. The national park holds many tourist attractions including animals like hippos, buffaloes, zebras, greater kudus, lions, leopards, bat-eared fox, elephants, giraffes, roan and sable antelopes, impalas, crocodiles, reptiles like monitor lizards, snakes, bird species, vegetation types like Zambian miombo, acacia woodlands, savannah, riverine forests, rivers like the greater Ruaha, cultural and historical sites, oscillating landscape among others.

Activities in Ruaha National Park.

Accompanied by an armed park ranger, guided nature walks offer an amazing opportunity for guests to experience a Tanzania safari or tour. They allow them to explore the park on foot. The nature walk will take you along a number of walking trails in the park where you can see beautiful scenery, sunrises and sunsets, butterflies, and close-up encounters with various animals in their natural habitats. You’ll also be able to breathe in fresh air, take pictures, enjoy the quiet atmosphere, and visit historical sites, among other things.

  • One of the main activities in the park is going on a game drive, which gives you the chance to see a variety of flora types, bird species, and wildlife, including elephants, zebras, buffaloes, giraffes, impalas, and elands, grazing along the roadsides.
  • One of Tanzania’s national parks, Ruaha National Park, provides the thrilling experience of a nighttime game drive, which allows you to see nocturnal creatures that come out to feed at night. Among the creatures you may see on the night game drive are jackals, leopards, wild cats, spotted hyenas, hippos grazing, bush babies, bat-eared foxes, and nightjars.
  • Birdwatching, Ruaha National Park, Tanzania Wildlife Tours, and other wildlife destinations are a birder’s dream with over 450 kinds of birds, including endemic and near-endemic species, migratory species from Europe, and water birds. The African fish eagle, black-bellied bustard, crested barbet, racket-tailed roller, ashy starling, collared palm thrush, Tanzanian red-billed hornbill, African hawk, and white-bellied go-away bird are just a few of the bird species you may see when birdwatching.

Selous game reserve.

The largest and oldest protected area in Tanzania’s southeast is Selous National Park. The game reserve was named for British explorer Frederic Courtney Selous, who was killed and interred in the reserve during World War I. In 1982, the reserve’s unbroken natural beauty and wildlife diversity led to its designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are many things to see and do in the Selous Game Reserve, such as giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, spotted hyenas, greater kudus, hartebeests, reedbucks, sable antelopes, buffaloes, black rhinos, hippos, lions, and leopards, as well as a variety of bird species, vegetation types, and groundwater forests, shrubs, savannah wooded grasslands, the Selous Grave, which is located near Beho Beho, and the largest river in Tanzania, River Rufiji.

Activities in Selous National Park.

During a game drive, you can see a lot of animals in the park from the comfort of a safari vehicle. These animals include the big five mammals black rhinos, leopards, lions, elephants, and buffaloes as well as other animals like zebras, warthogs, and elands. You can also see different bird species, the sunrise or sunset, and different types of vegetation.

  • When you go bird watching, you can see a variety of avian species, both migratory and aquatic, such the brown-necked parrot, African spoonbill, black-winged stilt, broad-billed roller, white-headed lapwing, and palm nut vulture, among others.
  • Guided nature walks where you will investigate the whole park on foot accompanies with an armed park ranger, during the nature walks you will get close and personal with different animals, view colorful butterflies, breathe fresh air, view birds flying in the air, relax your mind in a quiet environment, take photos among others.
  • An incredible experience, boat safaris on the River Rufiji provide you the chance to see hippos and crocodiles in the water, as well as other creatures including buffaloes, elephants, warthogs, and water birds like herons, kingfishers, and fish eagles.
  • Sport fishing is a thrilling pastime that is done in approved locations with the assistance of a knowledgeable fishing guide. Sport fishing involves the use of the catch and release technique to bring in species such as catfish and tiger fish.ย 








Arusha National Park.

One of Tanzania’s most popular national parks is Arusha, which is situated in the country’s northeast. The alkaline Momella Lakes, lake Longil, the untamed Mount Meru, the Ngurdoto crater, the Montane forests, the lush rainforest and savannah, animals like red duikers, waterbucks, giraffes, buffaloes, hippos, zebras, and elephants, primates like blue and red colobus monkeys, and bird species like flamingos, bar-tailed trogons, and African fish eagle are just a few of the attractions found within the park, which was established in 1960.

Activities in Arusha National Park.

A popular activity in the park is going on a game drive, where you can see a variety of animals, including dik diks, reedbucks, giraffes, zebras, waterbucks, elephants, buffaloes, blue monkeys, and colorful bird species. Because animals are most active in the early morning, it is ideal to go game drives very early in the day.

  • When it comes to bird watching, Arusha National Park is home to over 400 different species of birds, including flamingos, spur-winged geese, narina trogons, red-fronted parrots, secretary birds, verreauxs eagles, and tawny eagles.
  • Canoeing is a fantastic pastime that offers spectacular views of the morning, gorgeous landscape, fish eagles, flamingos, and kingfishers, among other water birds. You may also witness hippos swimming in the river.
  • The thrilling activity of guided nature walks allows you to explore the national park on foot. During the nature walk, you will pass through marshy areas and streams where you can see animals like buffalo, zebras, elephants, and giraffes. You will also be able to see colorful birds soaring through the air, take in the refreshing breeze, unwind in the tranquil surroundings, and listen to the lovely sounds of birds singing in the trees.
  • Hiking Mount Meru, Tanzania’s second-highest peak after Kilimanjaro, is one of the mountain climbing activities you can partake in while on safari in Arusha National Park. Hiking offers breathtaking views of the Momella lakes, the ancient fig trees, and the crystal-clear mountain streams, among other things.

Lake Manyara national park.

Situated in northern Tanzania at the foot of the Great Rift Valley, adjacent to the Ngorongoro conservation area and Serengeti national park, is Lake Manyara National Park, the smallest protected area in Tanzania. In addition to host animals like cheetahs, dik-dik, hippos, gazelles, buffaloes, zebras, giraffes, elephants, leopards, banded mongoose, spotted hyenas, bohor reedbucks, primates like blue monkeys, olive baboons, and various bird species, the national park is well-known for its tree-climbing lions. These animals can be seen lying up in the branches of acacia trees.

Activities in Lake Manyara national park.

  • The amazing night game drive, which is conducted at night with the assistance of an armed park ranger and flashlight touches for clear sight of the nocturnal creatures, is one of the rare activities available in Tanzania, and the national park is one of the few places to experience it. You can see nocturnal creatures including spotted hyenas, porcupines, leopards, civet cats, genets, and hippos grazing during the night game drive.
  • Day game drives, this is a fascinating experience where you will drive within the park following different park tracks in a 4WD pop-up safari vehicle with a professional driver-guide. This excursion offers fantastic views of various flora kinds, sunrises and sunsets, tree-climbing lions in the acacia trees gazing at their prey, and a variety of other creatures, including elephants, buffaloes, wildebeests, leopards, and many bird species.
  • Walking tours through the park with a guide is an amazing experience that lets you see the area from foot. In order to protect you from any harm, armed park rangers accompany nature walks. You can take advantage of the peaceful surroundings, get up close and personal with animals like impalas, buffaloes, elephants, giraffes, and zebras, listen to birds singing in the trees, see vibrant butterflies, various plant and tree species, and unwind during the activity.
  • Canoeing, this is an intriguing endeavour that is done on Lake Manyara, a shallow alkaline lake that covers two-thirds of the parks. While canoeing, you will be able to see a variety of wildlife, including flamingos, pelicans, kingfishers, cormorants, and buffaloes as well as elephants, buffaloes, zebras, and warthogs along the water’s edge.
  • Among the best places to go bird watching is Lake Manyara National Park, which is home to over 400 different bird species, including migratory, water, near-endemic, and endemic species like emerald cuckoo, crowned eagle, great white pelican, spur-winged goose, yellow-billed stork, black heron, greater flamingo, sacred ibis, and pink-backed pelican.
  • Mountain riding is an exciting sport that lets you ride a bike through the park and its surroundings. The activity is conducted with the assistance of an experienced park guide who will assist you in identifying various animals, birds, and local communities, among other things.ย ย 

Mikumi national park.

Situated in the western region of Dar es Salaam, between the Uluguru Mountains and the Lumango range, Mikumi National Park is the fourth largest protected area. The Mkata flooded plains, artificial hippo pool, and savannah vegetation make up the national park. These features provide water for the park’s wildlife, which includes lions, leopards, wild dogs, greater kudus, guinea fowls, marabou storks, black-bellied bustards, yellow-throated long claws, blacksmith plover, and Bateleur eagles, among other animals.

Activities in Mikumi national park.

  • During game drives, you can see a variety of wildlife, including birds, vegetation types, and predators like lions and leopards. You can also see animals grazing along the sides of the road or congregating around artificial hippo pools, including elephants, zebras, giraffes, buffaloes, impalas, and sable antelopes.
  • Mikumi National Park is a great place to go bird watching as it is home to over 400 different types of birds, including aquatic, savannah, and migrating birds from Europe. Birds such as the open-billed stork, black-bellied bustard, African spoonbill, malachite kingfisher, purple crested turaco, and Shelleyโ€™s sunbird can be seen during bird watching.
  • Guided nature walks, during which you will stroll through the park while a park ranger with a gun will keep you safe. When the nature walk you will have outstanding views of animals, bird species, mountain ranges, listen to sweet sounds of birds singing in the trees, enjoy the peaceful and quiet environment among others.ย 

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